MindBody For Members For Coaches


CrossFit is a fully functional, 100% scaleable for everyone, core strength and conditioning program that is based on the SCIENCE behind what it takes to maximize results.  CrossFit emphasizes all 10 elements of fitness making it a much broader spectrum than say a marathon runner, cyclist or weight lifter.  Many fitness programs work on a narrow slice (or few slices) of the full spectrum of fitness and worse yet, this is often at the expense of other elements, leaving a person really fit in one area, but horrendously out of shape in another area (ie ask the body builder at the gym to run around the block or a marathon runner to do the Tough Mudder:)   Also, routine is the enemy of true fitness.   This is the prevailing philosophy that drives our constantly varied workouts.

We are trained and certified in using the same methods used to train navy seals.  But guess what folks…the science and methods used to train the navy seals, olympic athletes and your grandmother are exactly the same, they differ only in degree!!!  CrossFit  brings you methods historically reserved for the elite and scales them for YOU!    Bottom line is High Intensity,  Functional Moves done in almost random order over time give much better results in less time than any other program out there!  These methods get you fit as a fiddle, have you ready for anything  and leave you confident as hell too!  Our folks don’t  Train for the Mudder, the Spartan, or a Half Marathon – we just sign up!