Ashlin and Mady WOD

Posted on Mar 13, 2013


The Homework was inspired by Shannon Brophy Wolter’s recent stroll with the kids.

While pushing Ashlin in a very heavy stroller, Mady (8 y. o.) became too tired to walk:)

So for the last 4 blocks Shannon Pushed the cart above – AND carried Mady.  Now that’s a WOD!


Run or walk half mile fast

Run (or walk) half mile fast while carrying something heavy

Run (or walk) half mile fast while carrying something even Heavier (maybe even Mady:)

You may put the object down at any point, but you cannot advance forward again until you pick the object up!

Record finish time to complete all 3 runs and what (or who)  you carried!  Pictures Please!!!


One response to “Ashlin and Mady WOD”

  1. shannon says:

    Too funny!!!